Assirm è l’Associazione nata nel 1991 che riunisce le aziende italiane che svolgono Ricerche di Mercato, Sondaggi di Opinione e Ricerca Sociale. 

Assirm organizza numerosi momenti di confronto e approfondimento sui trend, le dinamiche del mercato e i nuovi modelli di ricerca, per fare il punto sull’attualità, dando uno sguardo al futuro. Occasioni di confronto e networking. 

Assirm conferma la centralità del proprio ruolo sociale a supporto delle Imprese e del Sistema Paese, offrendo una proposta formativa di alta qualità, facilmente accessibile e fruibile, pensata per favorire il progresso dei professionisti di oggi e di domani. 

Rimani sempre aggiornato sul mondo delle Ricerche e i suoi protagonisti. 

Il Centro Studi e Formazione Assirm nasce nel dicembre 2005 con lo scopo di sviluppare la cultura professionale della Ricerca di Mercato e Sociale, e di promuoverne l’immagine e il valore presso i committenti e l’opinione pubblica. 

Third-Party Data, Friend or Foe?

27 Febbraio 2017

A Guide to Navigating Third-Party Data in Our Digital World

Most Marketers’ top priority is curating their messaging for the benefit of the consumer’s experience. This is great when it comes to segments you already have information on, but poses a challenge when looking to attract new prospects where you often have to rely on a number of disparate and unrelated data sources to garner behavioral and buying habits, demographic statistics, and contact information.

The good news is, these disparate, third-party sources are readily available. The bad news is, they have seen a growing level of distrust in quality – especially if the source is obscured.

Our new blog “The Marketing Technologist’s Guide to Navigating Third-Party Data & Data Validity in our Digital World” is an essential read that addresses the fallible nature of third-party data, and provides guidance on how to improve your marketing and advertising ROI through reaching the right audience.

Click here to read the full article

All Data is Not Created Equal:
Differences between first, second, and third-party data

When managing advertising or marketing campaigns, it’s important to make sure your budget dollars are well spent, and to validate that you’re actually reaching the right audience.

Arming yourself with knowledge on the different types of data out there, along with the benefits and things to consider about each, can prove imperative for the success of a marketing or advertising campaign. Our blog, “All Data is Not Created Equal,” highlights the important differences in first, second, and third party data, and aims to educate how these different sources directly impact marketing efforts.

Click here to read the full article

Research Now launches Audience Validation

Audience Validation provides the capability to view the actual exposed audiences to your digital campaigns
and validate how effectively you are reaching your target audience. With access to in-depth profiles of all
users exposed to a digital campaign across Research Now’s single-source, cross-device panel, you’re able to
evaluate the performance of each media partner and optimise your media plan in real time.
Our interactive reporting tool utilses hundreds of attributes to verify targeting performance across publishers
and platforms, allowing you to quantify the effective cost (eCPM) of reaching your intended audience.

To learn more about Audience Validation download the enclosed brochure or visit our website.
